Friday, August 31, 2012

Hot and Humid August...

didn't actually seem as hot and humid as I was expecting. Does that mean I'm used to the humidity? It only took 3 summers, that's not so bad. *Update: it's been very humid so far in September. Now I'm thinking it wasn't humid in August. Thank goodness I'm not pregnant anymore!

Here are some things Macy was up to in August.

Apparently Macy read my post about Christmas in August because this month her movie fascinations have been Elf and White Christmas.
In Elf her favorite parts are: baby (in the beginning), Buddy and the Jack-in-the-boxes, when Buddy pulls off Santa's beard (motions this by pretending to pull a beard off her face), the doctor, and the snowball fight. She will watch the parts in between too but still requests her favorites.
In White Christmas her favorite parts are: Sisters dancing, Black dress (Mr. Bones number), and the Santa dresses with ballerinas (White Christmas number at the end). We are slowly adding new parts to our rotation. Today she started singing "Mr. Bones, Mr. Bones, how you do Mr. Bones?" It was so cute! That's her first song she's sung from a movie.

 I was trying to buy some time before Ja came home so Macy and I stopped to get ice cream at McDonald's. Can't beat the $1 cones. I think Macy liked hers :)

We have a bus stop right outside of our complex so I coaxed Macy to take a bus ride with me. I knew she would like it and we had never done it before so we took the 9 minute ride over to the mall. She was fascinated by the whole thing and hardly moved the whole trip. When we got off the bus she immediately wanted to go back on to go home. Another trip to get an ice cream cone and the Disney store made her happy. She talked about the bus all day and asked to ride the bus first thing the next morning.
Waiting at the bus stop.

She looks scared but she loved it.

The new Disney store is awesome! The princesses talk to you in the mirror.
 Since Macy had a great time on the bus I coaxed a friend to come with us next time. Her kids loved it too. They sat all by themselves on a row and were very well behaved. We rode to the mall again for ice cream and to play at the play place.

Macy loves to play with her headbands, bows, and beebos (ponytail holders). She sits up on her dresser to do so.

Macy and her BF playing at the spray park. Sadly, Halle will be starting kindergarten next month. Macy will be so sad to learn her favorite friend won't be able to play during the day anymore.

If you can't tell by Macy's face, she loves this little girl Sloane. She always wants to play with her and hold her.

I look back in the car and see Macy "drinking" from her doll's bottle. I thought it was pretty funny.

August 25th Macy asked to have her big girl bed. It was totally out of the blue so we figured she was ready for it and set up her big girl bed. This is how I found her later that day. Relaxing in her Easter hat. She wouldn't nap that day so I thought we were making a big mistake again trying the toddler bed.

After setting it up I realized we were having a babysitter put her to bed that night. What were we thinking?! How mean are we to make a babysitter have to deal with Macy getting in and out of bed? Macy surprised us by going right to bed that night with no problems. The sitter said she never tried to get out of bed. (We just got a video monitor so we can watch her sleep, it's awesome.) We were thrilled especially since we all know what happened later that night...

It turns out Macy is ready for a toddler bed. It has been a week now and she has done amazingly well. She still stays in bed until we come in and get her. She'll hang out in her bed for hours after waking up. She'll get up and get more books to read but she doesn't come out of her room. It's awesome! A few days this week she stayed in her room for 4 hours during nap time. She goes to bed at night and for naps easily with no complaints and stays in bed all night. We couldn't have asked for anything better. This has been a huge blessing to us this week! Thank you Macy!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Bringing Home Baby

I was very nervous about Macy's reaction to having Anna at home with us. Macy loves playing with babies and loved Anna at the hospital but how would she be at home?

Well, like always Macy proved me wrong. She has not been jealous at all and wants to do everything she can to help me. She only gets mad when Anna can't be by her side. Macy doesn't like it when Anna needs to sleep in the bassinet.

These two girls are best friends already. Macy adores her little sister and loves to cuddle up to her in bed. She is generally very gentle with her. Anytime Macy is awake she wants Anna to be awake to play so we are working on not bothering baby if she's asleep.
Binkie Buddies
So sweet! I love that Macy is holding Anna's hand.
Macy reliving her glory days in the infant car seat.
Coming home! She's so tiny in that huge car seat!
Cute little body!
Macy is such a great big sister!
Reading stories together.
Macy LOVES her sister.
I asked Macy to say "cheese" so she put her finger in her nose instead. 

Macy meets Baby Sister

Macy was very excited to meet her new sister however when she saw me at the hospital she was nervous and clung to Ja. After a second she realized it was me despite the gown and IV and hospital gadgets.

She gravitated toward Anna and wanted to hold her, read her stories, and give her the present she picked out. I think I can say that Macy also instantly loved Anna too. She was so sweet to Anna and has been ever since. My favorite part was Macy reading books to Anna. How sweet is that?!

Macy was also super excited to open Anna's present and wanted Anna to hold the rattles right away. That was a great idea my friend Chelsey gave to me. I've heard of the baby giving presents to the older kids but I thought it was cute to have Macy pick out a toy for the baby.

After that Macy wanted the baby to be close to her and grew protective of her when visitors would hold Anna.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Anna London

She's here!
Born August 26 at 2:34 am
6 lbs 8 oz, 20.5 inches long

I honestly feel bad telling my birthing stories. I know a lot of women will hate me after reading this but here goes:

It's Saturday night and we got a babysitter to watch Macy so we could attend the adult session of stake conference. I was feeling rather uncomfortable sitting in the pews. I leaned over to Ja and whispered, "wouldn't it be funny if I went into labor tonight like Tiffany did with Lily?"(Exactly two years ago Tiffany was also sitting very uncomfortably in the August adult session of stake conference and get water broke later that night. Lily was born later that morning.) We laughed but didn't think much of it. I still had 2 weeks to go.

After conference we went on a double date with friends to Nielsen's custard and I got a strawberry cone. We went home and I dropped the babysitter off at about 10:15. At home I eat my nightly bowl of cereal and go to bed around 11 excited that we don't have 8:30 church the next morning.

At 12:20 I shoot out of bed because I had a dream my water broke and I was really scared. I realize it may not be a dream after all as I walk very slowly to the bathroom. I was so shaky from being scared I could hardly walk. Since my water didn't break with Macy my next stop was to the computer to confirm that my water did indeed break. I found an article that said if I lie down or sit for a few minutes and fluid comes out again after standing then my water broke. After standing lots of fluid was running down my leg. I cleaned up, called my doctor, then woke up Ja. He said that was not news he wanted to hear at 12:30 in the morning. My doctor finally called back at 12:40 and she told me to go to the hospital. She was there finishing up a c-section. Trevor came over around 1 am and then we were off to the hospital. I felt a little bad that I didn't put Macy to bed since now I wouldn't see her the next morning either, but she was fine.

My contractions were pretty painful this time around since my water already broke. I was so glad there wasn't any traffic on the way because I was in pain. At least I didn't have any contractions before my water breaking.

We finally got to the hospital around 1:20 am. It's really hard trying to fill out paperwork and answer questions while trying to get through labor contractions. I eventually get into a gown, in bed, and an IV hooked up I ask the nurse about an epidural because no one has asked yet. She said she's getting to it, there are other questions she has to ask first. I told her my first labor went really quickly, only 20 mins of pushing. She was startled and went to find a pressure back to get the IV fluid in me faster. She couldn't locate one so she ended up squeezing the IV bag to push the fluid out faster. My doctor measured me at a 6 and said there was time for the epidural so the anesthesiologist was called in. It's difficult to hold completely still in a C shape when bad contractions come. But I did it and the medicine was flowing. The nurse had to remind me a lot to breathe in through my nose and out of my mouth during contractions.

Only 6 minutes later I tell the nurse this baby is coming. I can't hold it in any more. Dr. Anderson comes in and confirms that it's time to push. I gave a good 10 second push, then another 10 second push and her whole body was out. I did scream when her shoulders came through. It felt so good to get that baby out! The doctor said that I pretty much had a natural child birth. Technically I had the epidural but 6 minutes is not enough time for the medicine to take effect. I couldn't believe I did it! I survived a child birth without an epidural! I'm actually quite proud of myself. They turned the medicine off after Anna was born but I did feel the effects of it after she was born but only very slightly. I feel like it was much easier to push this time around because I had more strength to do so because I wasn't medicated. It's a hard decision- do I get the epidural next time to not have the pain? Or do I forgo it because the labor (and recovery) went faster?

Anna did have the umbilical cord around her neck but just once. The doctor was not concerned about it. She said she could deliver babies all day every day if every labor was like mine. She said she enjoyed it. (Probably because it only lasted 5 minutes.)

After her birth we looked at her and tried out a couple of the names we picked for her and Anna London was the only one to fit. So Anna London it is! Both Ja and I loved her instantly and are so happy to have her in our family! She is such a blessing!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Picnic at Gravely Point

We went on a family date with friends and had a picnic at Gravely Point. It's the park right next to Reagan airport and the planes will land and fly right over your head. It's incredible how close they seem. But since they are very close they are also very loud. I took Macy to this park just a couple of weeks ago but the planes were taking off towards the park and that wasn't as loud. Apparently the landing planes were a little scary for her because every time one came she ran up and jumped in my lap. She made me hold her until the plane was over us.

Eventually we were able to talk her into hugging her friend instead of kicking my uncomfortable pregnant belly. 
 Ollie wanted to join in too.

Hugging turned into a dog pile.

Dog pile turned into yoga.

 No need to plug your ears- just fold them over.

Lastly, they ducked and covered.
 The kids had a great time running around on the field (and daddies too) singing, dancing, and throwing balls. We had a great last family date for awhile!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

7 Years!

We celebrated our 7 year wedding anniversary this month. I can't believe it's been 7 years already! Time goes by so quickly that I feel like it was yesterday. We've accomplished so much in 7 years and have learned so much about each other.

In order to celebrate we went on a dinner and river cruise on the Potomac. It was something different from what we've done in the past and very enjoyable. We boarded the boat, ate a 3 course meal, had our Shirley Temples and virgin Pina Coladas. Then we went on top of the boat to enjoy the scenery. It was so beautiful. We couldn't have asked for better weather. The sky was beautiful and we saw a beautiful sunset. Then we went in for dessert and back outside to sip our hot chocolate and watch the scenery along the river.

There was such a fun and romantic atmosphere on the boat. Everyone was dressed up and happy to be there. There is something romantic about being outside on the water under the stars. We'd recommend it to anyone! We had a very memorable and perfect anniversary night!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My thoughts and feelings right now

I am 37 weeks along and I have mixed feelings about this baby coming early or late. Of course I want her to come soon because I'm tired of feeling so uncomfortable all the time. (I woke up 3 times last night to go to the bathroom!) However, her coming is going to change every part of our lives.

I'm really enjoying the one on one time I've been spending with Macy. She is so cute and I love hearing all of her songs and stories she tells me. I love watching all of her facial expressions when she talks and watching her discover and learn new things. I don't want her to grow up. I know she'll still be here with me once Baby is born but things won't be the same. I am so grateful I get to stay home with her and spend every day with her. She is in such a sweet stage right now and I love every second of it.

Then I feel bad saying that because I don't want Baby #2 to think I don't want her here, because I do. It will take some adjusting I guess. I want to be able to spend time with her and with Macy. That's possible right? Before getting pregnant this time we thought, "How will we ever love another child as much as we love Macy? Can our hearts hold that love?" I'm not worried about that now. I know the instant I see this little girl I will love her. My hearts doesn't have to divide my love between two children, it expands to hold even more love than I once thought possible.

Macy is still excited about baby sister and wants her to come out. She has toys ready for her to play with and wants to dress her in the baby clothes. I hope she loves her sister as much as she does now once she is in our home with us. I think she will because any time there is a baby around she wants to play with the baby and hold the baby and talk to the baby. If the baby leaves she says, "More baby, Mommy!"I know Macy will love her sister, most of the time.

My other concerns are about the labor and birth of this baby. Macy was two weeks early. Will this one be early? Labor with Macy was very easy and fast. Will this one be easy and fast?

This pregnancy has been so different than my first.
With Macy I:

  • had nausea, threw up but only once
  • had bad back pain
  • was tired but not extremely
  •  carried her higher. I felt her in my ribs.
  • didn't feel fat
  • ate more food towards the end
This time:
  • little nausea, no throwing up
  • no back pain
  • sciatic nerve pain in my hip
  • carrying very low. Pretty sure she's right on my bladder.
  • belly is bigger
  • gained more weight
  • got extremely fatigued at the beginning
  • got really hungry the 2nd trimester
Because things have been so different I'm very curious to see if the labor will be different too. I sure hope not because Macy's labor was so easy! Can I really have good enough luck to have two easy labors?

Although I want this baby to come soon so I don't have to use the bathroom every hour and so I can move around without my hip screaming at me, I want her to stay in as long as needed. I'm pretty sure I'm physically ready for her to come. I have all the needed diapers, clothes, car seat, etc ready. My body is ready to go back to normal too. I was thinking that 9 months is a long time to feel uncomfortable; that's almost a year! Plus, I don't feel like myself for 4 or 5 months after the baby is born too. Moms give up a lot for these children. It's a good thing they are totally worth it.

I'm getting more emotionally ready for her to come. I need to pray for strength. I remember being so completely exhausted when Macy was a newborn. How will I manage to take care of a newborn and a toddler? How will I not break down every day? The other part of me tells me not to worry because I know my body and mind step up and do what they need to do. They've done it before and they'll do it again. 

Life will be hard for a time while we all transition into a family of four. But I think there will be an abundance of love in our home that will make things easier. I'm very much looking forward to having two little princesses around. 

Now that all this is said- feel free to come any time baby! As long as it's after 10:30 p.m. on August 16th. Your dad is in Alabama until then :)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Luray Caverns...What will you discover?

Every summer since we moved here I've been seeing commercials for Luray Caverns. They were very enticing because they are one place I've been dying to visit. In our efforts to get as many things done before baby #2 came we went in August.

The caverns were spectacular! We were amazed at how large this underground cavern actually was. We arrived at the site and all that's there is grass and a visitor center. You enter the cavern by descending some stairs which are located inside the visitor center. It's very unassuming. The walking path that we followed is 1 1/4 miles long and Macy walked the entire thing all by herself!

Look at the size of this one! That's me and Macy.
 This is an actual working organ. The man who built it spent 30 years perfecting the sound. It plays on the actual stalagmites and each one plays a different note. It was very cool sounding and Macy's favorite part. She kept asking for more music.

Afterwards, Macy was able to talk her dad into letting her try the little tots rope course. She wasn't too thrilled with the harness they put on her but was still willing to try the course.

However, once they put the teether on her that connected her to the course she started screaming and didn't want to try it anymore.

It looked like a really fun little course. I know she would have done it if she could only hold our hand instead of being tethered up. She loves walking along curbs and little walls just like this course had.

The man working there was very kind and let Ja try the adult ropes course without having to pay the additional charge. Ja said it was awesome and he could have stayed up there for a long time. Wouldn't that be awesome to have in your backyard?