Sunday, October 21, 2007

Ryan Shupe and the Rubberband

We went to another accounting recruitment night-this time for Ernst & Young. They had Ryan Shupe and the Rubberband come and play for us. We love them so we were excited to get a free concert. There wasn't too many people there at the beginning so we got to sit in the front row, we were really excited. Ja realized he has been to at least 7 of their concerts. At the end of the show we went to get their autographs and Ryan Shupe thanked us for sitting in the front row. We thought that was cool. If you haven't heard them you should look them up on itunes. They are a mix of country and rock and are really fun in concert. We've posted two of their songs we really like. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Frances said...

I think my sister in law's cousin is in this band... not too sure though, how funny. How are you guys? Love the blog, we've got one too. I love this whole blogging thing it's so much easier to stay in touch! check it out: