Studying for the hardest finals of your life: 50 hours
Practicing for group presentations: 10 hours
Spending all day everyday studying accounting: 100's of hours
Attending the #2 Accounting school in the nation: Priceless...
Ja finished his first semester of the Accounting Junior Core this morning! He was very excited and danced around and couldn't stop smiling, for awhile. After a little while the lack of sleep caught up to him, and he took a nap. He had so much work to do this semester, sometimes he would be doing 12+ hours a day of accounting, but he never complained. He really enjoyed his class, even if they worked him. He also loved his accounting group. They spent so much time together, which apparently isn't common because when he told people they did everything together the other students looked at him like the was weird. They even made a little movie at the end of the semester for a presentation. It was very clever and fun, for an accounting video. I wonder if there is a way I can put it on the blog. Even the wives were involved in the accounting activities, and we kinda did two group dates. I'm so proud of Ja and for all the hard work he puts into his education that will bless our family for years to come.
p.s. Ja is an officer for Beta Alpha Psi (BAP) which is a fraternity for Accounting students. He is the reporter which means he reports on all the activities of BAP to the committee. His whole group was elected officers so they will continue to be together.
1 comment:
What a great way to put it...priceless. James danced around for a while too, and then crashed for a couple hours. I have to say, I love having him back to myself, even if it was his favorite semester. :) Have a great time in CA and Congrats on Graduating!!
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