Ja and I do not sit around all day basking in the warm California sun. We do have jobs that keep us busy during the day.
Ja is managing his dad's medical practice to become a more lean, mean, ultrasounding machine (Ja's words if you couldn't tell). He is implementing change in the way they do the medical billing, the way they handle situations in the office, and the way they train new hires. He is running reports trying to better account for the expenses of the practice. He is also writing new reports that have been very helpful. He also helps pay bills and do payroll. He is doing a great job and the whole staff loves having him in the office.
I am working with a couple as their personal assistant. He had a stroke a little over year ago which left him unable to see very well so he can't drive or take care of household chores very easily. I take him to appointments, the bank, and the occasional lunch. I also help with other paperwork issues for them, and anything else they need help with. Since I don't start that job until 10 a.m., I also work in Dr. DeVore's office on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I'm helping them "go paperless" by scanning in bills and papers that can then be shredded.
Along with this, we have my in-laws over for dinner a few nights a week, Ja plays basketball on Tuesday nights, I have mutual on Wednesday nights, I go to the NUCCA doctor every Thursday night, and Ja teaches English to Koreans on Friday nights. In between there we also visit with my family, teach lessons on Sundays, home teaching, visiting teaching, and any other event that may come up. To say the least we are very busy. Hopefully we can catch a few rays in there somewhere...