Saturday, December 19, 2009

Big Snow Storm in Virginia

It snowed more than 2 feet today! Apparently this doesn't happen very often because pretty much the whole town shuts down. One mall was completely closed and the other mall by us had a lot of stores closed. The roads don't get plowed very well nor does salt get put on the ground. Utah has their system down, we never had problems living there. We did venture out with our Suzuki (which has 4-wheel drive) so Ja could play in the snow with his nephews. He had a blast, as did the nephews. Ja had to drive through a huge snow drift that was blocking the street (thanks to the snow plow) to get out of the cul-de-sac. Ja just said that was his all time favorite moment in his driving career. I'll admit it was kind of cool to have the car covered in snow for a second, but also a little scary.

I wanted to post this just for the pictures of our buried car. This is around 5 p.m. tonight after it snowed all last night and today.
This is to show how much snow was on the roof of our car.
Here is a completely buried car. It's an Escalade! Look at how high the snow is! They aren't going anywhere for a while. I took this at 10 p.m. tonight.
Most people aren't going anywhere for a few days. All the cars are buried if they didn't take the time to shovel themselves out. It's so bad they even cancelled church tomorrow! I never got a snow day growing up in Southern California, so I think it's cool so have something cancelled. I guess I should be sad that it's church that is cancelled but oh well :)

Let it snow, let it snow, let is snow! I may also have my first white Christmas!

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