Monday, April 27, 2009

Jonathan Graduated!

We traveled back to BYU for Commencement ceremonies so Ja could officially graduate. We really had a great time. President Uchtdorf and Elder Nelson were the speakers and both were very good. We had a much smaller group this time so picture taking only took a few minutes.
On Friday, we took a mini tour of campus, and Ja was able to graduate with two of his accounting group buddies, Joe and James. 
We then enjoyed a great dinner at Good Wood and Ja received his family written candy letter.
On Saturday we went to a couple of parties (James' BBQ and party at the Jones') and met Joe's new baby girl (born two days before). It was really fun having babies walking, crawling, rolling all over the place. We had a wonderful time visiting with friends. (Truman not pictured)
We returned on Sunday and I gave Ja his graduation present from me. He LOVES his new professional looking briefcase. I was a little nervous giving it to him, but he kept repeating, "This is so great. I love this" so I figure it was a good gift. 


Amy said...

Congrats, Ja! It was so fun to see you guys! So what's the family candy letter? That looks like a fun idea. And that's a great graduation gift!

Chelsey said...

I forgot about the candy letter! That is such a fun tradition. Great job on the briefcase. It was so fun seeing you guys. Congratulations, Ja!

Nicole said...

congrats, Ja! you look spiffy with the new briefcase. on to bigger and better things.