Monday, May 19, 2008

Pennsylvania Welcomes You

From New York we drove to Pennsylvania. We wanted to see Harmony, where the Priesthood was restored and where Joseph and Oliver Cowdery were baptized. We also visited a little with our friends the Shifflers. We did have a hotel to stay at in Harmony, but we canceled it because we changed our plans a little bit. It was a good thing we did, because the Joseph Smith Harmony doesn't really exist anymore. We had a reservation in Harmony, PA but it was completely in the wrong part of PA. So don't expect to stay around the Susquehanna river, there isn't much there.

I have to give Scranton, Pennsylvania a shout out! Hi Michael, Jim, Pam, Dwight, Angela, Andy, Creed, Oscar, Kevin, Stanley, Phyllis, Kelly, and Meredith.

Here is a monument for the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood. 

We had to get around one fence, jump another fence, and walk across the train tracks to get to the banks of the Susquehanna river.

This is about the place where Joseph and Oliver baptized each other. 

The next day, we drove down to Gettysburg. This was the only picture we took because it was raining so much we couldn't see anything. We left soon after this was taken. We figured we can come back later when things aren't as wet. 

We arrived in McLean about 2:30 p.m. Tuesday May 20th! YAY! The trip is finally over!
These are really bad pictures of the Maryland and Virginia signs in case you can't tell what they are.

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