Saturday, April 9, 2011

Macy's March

I realized I wasn't very good about posting anything during the month of March. Here are some photo updates for those people who want to read a post full my crazy little bundle of joy. 
Jonathan received a "music" card for his birthday. Macy enjoyed it so much we listened to it non-stop the next day.

Macy loves to accessorize. She picked these out herself if you can't tell. Its her one pink glove (we lost the other) and a belt from one of my jackets. She had it on like a scarf.

Apparently it was "Don't Brush Your Hair Day."
Lily came over and Macy insisted that she sit on Lily's lap.

Then Macy wanted Lily to sit on her lap. It looks like Lily didn't mind the attention. Aren't they cute?

Macy also loves bags and carrying things. Here she can do both and she's in heaven.

More accessorizing. She loves scarves.


tiffanybaer said...

Lily looks so happy with her cousin.....they'll be good cousin-friends :)

Chelsey said...

Macy you are so cute! I'm glad you love to accessorize. That's the best part about being a girl!